After a successful winter season indoors at Fleming Park, we are looking forward to playing on grass again in Ethelburt Avenue. The courts have been well maintained over the winter months and we expect them to be of the usual high standard by the time our season begins on 24th April.
We shall be holding our popular Plant and
Cake Sale and Open Afternoon on Saturday 8th May from 1.30pm. Everyone is welcome – come early for the sale and stay to play!
New members are always welcome and if you live on the Collins Estate, you have only a short walk to the club. We cater for a range of tennis ability, with friendly matches against other local clubs for the more competitive and coaching for those whose game may be a little rusty! We should like to see more junior members and there will be weekly coaching for 7 – 14 year olds. We also have a link with Cantell School, who will again be using the courts once a week.
For information about membership and adult coaching: Sue Green: 023 80671016
For information about junior coaching: Evelyn Macpherson: 023 80676746
For these and other queries: Sandie Dixon: 023 80550064