Ethelburt Avenue Residents were well represented at this year’s AGM, and many offered advice about the appropriate work that needs to be done to keep the road in good order. Within the financial constraints it was generally agreed that the current road surface requires regular and frequent repair, and that this is best done by residents.
This year’s volunteer repair work has mainly been organised by resident Ralph Page. The potholes were to be filled on Saturday 5th October, but unfortunately after delivery of material, this had to be postponed at short notice. A week or two after the potholes are filled in, we will use a roller to pack down the surface, which should slow the formation of new potholes.
At the AGM, there were suggestions that traffic calming measures (such as speed humps or width constrictions) might be needed to slow the traffic, and to deter use of the Avenue as a cut-through. If you have an opinion about this, then please get in touch by letter or email.
Everyone agreed that drainage was a problem, but there was some concern about the best way to solve this. We plan to employ contractors to repair the drains in the Avenue, but we are still considering options to ensure that the drains are effective and do actually collect the water that currently runs down the middle of the road!
Finally, we will make house calls to collect this year’s remaining maintenance contributions (of £30) this week.